Is Labiaplasty, Or Vulval Surgery, Really Worth It?

Do you really need it? 

We often see the posts of different cosmetologists who encourage women to avoid unnecessary procedures, but at the same time strongly recommend all women who have given birth to put hyaluronic acid on their labia......

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Circumcision In Men - Yes Or No?

When should you go through circumcision?

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin. We have nothing against this procedure if it’s done for medical reasons. If the doctor says that...

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How To Use a Condom To Avoid Pregnancy and STDs?

What are the safety rules?

A condom is one of the most reliable ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy and STDs. It has a theoretical Pearl index of 2 (which means 98% protection), and in practice, it's about 12 (88%).

You can ask...

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Free The Nipples And Be Healthier

Why It Is Good to Walk without a Bra...

They say that if you take off your bra and get off your high heels at the same time you can die of pleasure!

Okay, we want to tell you why it is actually good to keep your breasts free.

1. You...

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Reasons for Vaginal Stretching

How to Keep Your Vagina in Shape?

We’ve got A LOT of requests from our students. And a lot of them ask us about vaginal stretching.
“Team Sexfulness, how can I stretch it if I want to have a tight, strong vagina!”🤯

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Check Up Your Intimate Health And Control Your Life!

Vaginal Checkup

 3 Ways to Check Up Your Intimate Muscles
❌ I don't have an orgasm with my husband
❌ After giving birth, it seems that my vagina has become wider
❌ Don't feel the penis during sex
❌ ...
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Top Myths About Pelvic Floor

That's what you should know about your vagina...

Let's dispel some myths about the pelvic floor. This article can be really life-changing for you.

Myth 1. Why should I pump vaginal muscles? I'd rather have sex.
Sex does not pump your pelvic floor...

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Why Are Sex and Alcohol Incompatible? ⁣⁣

To Drink or Not to Drink?

What do we hear when we ask people why they drink alcohol before sex?

"I feel relaxed"
“I stop being nervous and anxious and act more freely”
"Flirting becomes easier"  

What is it really...

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Why Do You Feel Pain During Sex and What to Do about It?

Sex Should Never Be Painful!

There are 10+ reasons why you can experience pain during sex...

Pain during sex is quite a common problem. According to the statistics, every second woman on the planet faces it! Very often, it is painful...

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STI Testing: When and How to Do?

Why is STI Testing SO Important for You? 

“I have no STI, trust me” is a typical excuse for a bad and selfish lover. Why so? Because a good one thinks not only about his sexual pleasure but also about the partner's health.


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Why Do Males Need Foreplay and What is Spermotoxicosis?

Why Do Men Need a Foreplay? 

Do you think that men don't need foreplay and sex for them is simply "in and out"? In fact, everything is more complicated and there is much more in common between males and females.



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Sex for Health

Body Requires Orgasms: is sex for health?

Recently our student wrote us and asked how we feel about the concept of "sex for health." Well, how can we relate to this - we are sex experts. Everything is fine for us, which is normal...

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