What Impact Does Menopause Have On Sex?

What to do with sex when your periods stop

Today we gonna talk about menopause and its impact on sex.

We’ve recently conducted a survey, and more than 60% of women answered that during and after menopause, their sex life became...
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Do You Suffer from Painful or Irregular Menstruation?

Menstruation = Torture?

Pain does not go away even after taking painkillers. Irregularity also makes you constantly worry. Sounds familiar?
We’ll talk about painful menstruation and irregular periods. First, let’s clarify...
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How to Postpone Menopause?

Forever Young?

“Team Sexfulness, I came across an advertisement for a dietary supplement that supposedly can delay menopause or even remove it altogether. Does it really work? "

Well, we don’t know what dietary supplement we are...

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Tea House: An Inside Look at Menstrual Cups

Your Body Will Be Grateful!

Tired of tampons and pads? Try out menstrual cups!

What is the menstrual cup?

The most environmentally-friendly feminine hygiene product.
One bowl can be used for 10 years. Or even more!
Got it? - during...

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