How To Engage A Male G-Spot?
Why do men need a prostate and what to do with it?
Men have such a magic button, which is called the second heart. This is the prostate. A walnut-sized gland, located between the bladder and the penis.
Do you wanna know what is it for?
The functions of the prostate are very important:
1. to produce secretions and make sperm better
2. to squeeze the urethra during sex.
So the prostate protects the genitourinary system from the ingress of dangerous microorganisms during sex
3. regulates testosterone levels
4. regulates the mechanics of sex.
The rate of ejaculation depends on the prostate, and as you know, the higher the rate, the brighter the orgasm✨
5. forms libido.
During sex, biological substances are released from the prostate, and then the brain begins to replenish them, and the man's attraction grows. In general, the more sex he has, the more he wants. And vice versa: the less sex – the less substances the prostate secretes – the less he wants.
When the prostate can’t function fully, there is a risk of genitourinary infection, sperm becomes of poor quality and potency deteriorates. How can you help your partner (and yourself, of course)? Give him a prostate massage😍 With its help you will:
- improve potency
- remove painful urination
- and it is an excellent prevention of erectile dysfunction
Sexfulness will help you how to do it right! Learn 27 anus and prostate stimulation techniques and 19 penis massage techniques with our course “Male orgasm with your hands”.
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