Is Your Fetish Normal?

sex tips sexuality

Pink Heels, Latex, and Lace Panties... or Why Are We All a Little Fetishists?

A fetishist is a person who has a sexual desire for things (and not for a person in these things!). Sexual fetishists get turned on by completely unexpected staff.

Is this a deviant behavior? No, and there is no need to try to treat fetishism (only if it doesn’t bother you!).

A fetishist likes not only to look at things, but to do something with them. Kiss, lick, masturbate on them.

In general, fetishism can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Clothes and shoes. And certain fabrics.
  • Body parts. This is about pink heels and even the shape of the nails.
  • Social situations. Punishment, shame, humiliation that cause an orgasm.
  • Objects of wildlife (trees, etc.)

How do I feel about fetishists? Good. They know what turns them on and helps reach a peak.

The situation is much more complicated with the antifetishists - people who deny any peculiarities of the body or things. For example, they refuse to have sex with fat girls.

Rejection of others and yourself in sex is a problem that prevents you from reaching an orgasm. In this case, you should go through every fear, every complex that you have developed from your very childhood in order to get rid of them.

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